Why Motivation is Garbage! The 5 Second brain hack.

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why motivation is garbage. 5 second brain hack

If the sentence “motivation is garbage” seems familiar to you, you probably have watched or listened to one of the best motivational speakers, Mel Robbins talk about how motivation is “bullsh*t”

Hearing it for the first time, that statement would’ve shocked a lot of us, but she wasn’t lying when she said that.

There are 2 kinds of motivation: intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. While intrinsic motivation is something that comes within us from our willpower, extrinsic motivation is fueled by outside sources like people, experiences, places etc. And neither can be relied on when we need them.

I would pay bucks to actually study religiously for my exams months prior rather than the day before it, or wake up early every day. But unfortunately, motivation is not always there when we need it.

I’m sure there are plenty of things you want to do and fulfil but can’t seem to find the motivation or will to actually do it, whether it’s to complete a project, start a business, become a better person, inculcate healthy habits, be a good parent, partner, sister/brother etc.

All of us have a specific vision of ourselves we desperately want to reach but we often fall short on execution.

Why is that?

It’s scientifically proven that our brains are wired to protect ourselves, so when we decide to do something out of our comfort zone, something difficult. Our brain immediately protects us from doing things that are unfamiliar to us.

As soon as we hesitate to do something, whether it’s running an extra mile, read another chapter, waking as soon the alarm rings our brain releases stress signals when we hesitate.

Our brain brings all sorts of excuses to not do it and stay in our comfort zone.

It’s also called the ‘spotlight effect’ where your mind magnifies risk when you’re about to venture out into the unknown, it’s your brain’s way of protecting you.

What do I do now?

It’s normal to have thoughts of self-doubt and uncertainty when you’re about to take a big step or do something that’s out of your comfort zone.

But preventing yourself from doing things that are right for you is a choice you make.

Motivation won’t tick your goals each and every day.

It’s discipline that gets you there.

Successful people aren’t always motivated, they consciously take those decisions that are difficult and uncomfortable regardless if they are motivated or not.

You have to ask yourself whether the decisions you make expands your life or shrinks it? Does it make you reach your full potential?

5-second rule

Your entire life is determined by what you do in the gap between the question of the decision and whether you act on it or not.

And according to Mel Robbins, the gap is usually 5 seconds long or shorter.

To actually inculcate discipline into your life, the 5-second rule can be a great tool to kick start your journey towards self-discipline.

We, humans, know what we have to do (Knowledge) but when it comes to execution (action) towards the things that are scary/ uncertain our brain protects us by sabotaging our decisions.

So when you are about to do something, there’s a window of 5 seconds to get into full gear to act upon it, before your brain talks you out of it.

Whether it’s waking up right after the alarm rings or leaving for the gym, or opening up to someone all you have to do is go 5,4,3,2,1 Action! Before your brain kicks in self-doubt and fear.

In that smallest moment, you have the opportunity to change your life for the better or let it remain the way it already is.

In that 5 seconds, you can choose to expand your life to the fullest potential or shrink it.

So when you find yourself procrastinating something really important by watching another Netflix episode or dozing an extra hour. Just go 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 and get working!

Always remember to count backwards, Robbins mentioned you engage your prefrontal cortex which helps beat the excuses your brain throws at you.


We have been told how motivation is so important to get things done each and every day. But guess what, one can’t always be motivated! To actually get your ass moving, you need discipline!

And discipline can be really difficult to inculcate. For me, the 5-second rule has helped me make quick decisions which in turn helped me expand my life.

Have you ever tried or are planning to use this simple yet efficient trick? What are your thoughts on this? Comment below! I would love to know what you think.