5 signs you are growing into a better version/Growth mentality

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signs you're growing

The person you were years back, is not the same as the person you are right now. As humans, we constantly evolve and change. Yet the term ‘evolving’ and ‘growth’ has different meanings and is quite relative to each one of us.

Although in this context, growth is in relation to the individual’s mindset and mentality.

An awakened and conscious person is completely different to a person who isn’t aware and conscious. There’s a striking difference between the two.


You embrace discomfort

A major part of your growth process is understanding that you won’t reap success by being in the same stagnant position.

You aim to reach your higher self, the evolved version. You embrace change and discomfort.

You get out of your comfort zone and try to make things possible and what’s best for you. You are hesitant and scared, yet you are willing to reach your potential.

“If we’re growing, we’re always going to be out of our comfort zone.”

John Maxwell

You let go of people who don’t contribute to your growth

You no longer entertain people who don’t make you a better person, the ones who are toxic and drain your energy.

You decide to choose the quality of friends, over the number of friends. You are more conscious of your circle. You are among people who uplift you. You have a network of people who motivate each other to do better.

The purpose of learning is growth, and our minds, unlike our bodies, can continue growing as we continue to live.

You are in constant pursuit to understand yourself- get in touch with yourself

You are making efforts to awaken yourself. Heal yourself and evolve as a person. You have shredded all your bad and toxic habits. You are more aligned towards making yourself a better version.

You are constantly questioning yourself. You are more aware of your actions and decisions. You want to know more about yourself. You take time for yourself and take actions to heal yourself.

You ponder more, engage in art and creativity, meditate and journal more often. You are in love with the person you are evolving into.

Your growth, after all, matters more.

You understand everyone has a different perspective- you are more open-minded

As bitter as it seems, you realize that not everyone thinks the same way as you do. Some are more closed-minded/ have a fixed mindset. You don’t waste time on people who are narrow/close-minded in the way they think. Your perception changes.

You realize that you too have been toxic to someone at some point. You constantly work on your flaws.

You are more open to theories of vast topics, of the imaginable and unimaginable. You are constantly curious. You want to learn more and grow more. You are less judgmental towards yourself and others.

You realize it is You vs You and the Process is greater than the destination

You are less prone to comparing yourself to others.

Even though you do end up comparing yourself, you’re only human at the end.

But you also realize that someone else’s journey and victories do not correlate to your worth.

All that matters to you is, who you were in the past and how much you have changed and grown. You are in constant competition with yourself. Always trying to do better. Not giving up on yourself.

You also realize in enjoying the process and the actual journey instead of being fixed at the outcome.

And guess what. Growth isn’t fixed. Growth is a constant process. Till we all depart from this planet we will continue to grow and evolve.

You will realize more things about yourself. Some of those experiences would be uncomfortable and unpleasant but you will get more in touch with yourself.

That’s the beauty of life.

These were some major points I thought to mention that really helped me realize I’ve grown and still am growing. What are your thoughts?