To trust the timing in your life is to believe that everything in your life will happen according to plan. And by everything I mean…
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trust the timing of your life. How to let go and start living.
Self-esteem is something that is being constantly crushed in this world where unrealistic beauty standards are the new norm, and where constant comparison is a…
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5 Ways To Improve Self-Esteem In Todays World.
Does it get better? Do I ever find happiness? Will the void in my heart ever get filled? I used to, and still, ask myself…
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in frame: colourful pictures with the wording: Does it get better? An honest answer
If the sentence “motivation is garbage” seems familiar to you, you probably have watched or listened to one of the best motivational speakers, Mel Robbins…
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why motivation is garbage. 5 second brain hack
Once your mindset changes, everything on the outside will change along with it. –Steve Maraboli Do you believe your intelligence and potential are inborn and…
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fixed vs growth mindset, how to shift to a growth mindset
We all got demons within us, they are these strong evil personas we despise the most about ourselves. A lot of us ignore or avoid…
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How to overcome and face your inner demons!
How to stop caring what others think! Shift your mindset
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How to stop caring what others think! Shift your mindset
The person you were years back, is not the same as the person you are right now. As humans, we constantly evolve and change. Yet…
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signs you're growing
Reading the title you might wonder- ” Did I just read that right? Bad days are important? How in the world would a cursed day…
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Why bad days are important!
Pain and struggles are an inevitable part of life. Every one of us has experienced some sort of trauma. Trauma is something that affects your…
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