About me

Hey there! Thankyou for stumbling to this tiny part of the internet where my blog resides ! I’m Naomi!  

If you’re wondering why I started writing ? 

  • First of all : Anxiety , lol . Honestly I feel I’m able to express my message a lot better by writing about it, especially the topics I’m zealous about . So yeah , I impulsively created this blog (around may 2020) using some spare money I had, and little knowledge . But I’m proud of the output so far.
  • Okay so the second reason is of course , my passion to write about topics regarding  self development , mental health, positivity etc . It’s not only a way I get to educate others, but myself too !

Soo, yeah that was basically it, I hope my  content brings some value to you. I am still figuring things out but I’m loving the process so far 🙂