Anxiety can come in both ways, they can be normal and harmful. The feeling of anxiousness before going for a job interview or confronting someone you like is completely normal. That’s just your fight/flight response.
But when your anxiety comes in the way of your day to day activities, it could be a sign for you to pay more attention to your health.
Anxiety can take a serious toll on your mind, and your body would react accordingly.
Your heart starts beating rapidly, your hands start sweating, you feel dizzy and lightheaded, you find trouble sleeping and concentrating, it might even elevate to a panic attack!
And it’s the scariest feeling! You feel you’re about to die, something terrible has happened, and the more anxious you get, the more your thoughts build-up and the worse your situation gets.
Generalized anxiety disorder is a much more serious condition, where one has constant worries for every little thing looming over their head for a long span of time.
Anxiety may also overlap with depression, anxiety makes one less prone to go out and socialize, you keep wondering what to say in social situations, constantly worrying and fearing you may look stupid.
This causes one to isolate, which can be really, mentally harmful.
I’ve been there, it’s not the best feeling. And if you’re suffering from constant or frequent anxiety, I really hope the points I share on how to cope and deal with it helps you.
Practice deep breathing:
Deep breathing has proved to be a very effective way to reduce anxiety. Practice breathing in 4 counts and breathing out 4 counts for 5-6 minutes. This method helps you slow your heart rate. Which in turn calms you down.
Observe your surroundings:
My therapist and I practised this method when I was having an anxiety attack and it really was a pretty simple and effective way that calmed me down.
You have to basically name out the things that you see, smell hear. Eg: name out 5 sounds you are hearing right now, or what are the 5 belongings around you.
Challenge your negative thoughts:
Question your negative thought pattern. Anxiety exaggerates the situation to such an extent, that you have to step back and be rational if it’s factual or logical or true at all.
Focus on things that you can change, don’t worry about situations that are out of your control.
Go out for a walk or practice yoga
When I feel I’m about to have an anxiety attack I immediately just go for a walk and listen to good music, and yoga has been extremely beneficial in reducing my anxiety. And studies have proven so.
Reduce Alcohol, caffeine and smoking
This can aggravate your anxiety and cause panic attacks.
Therapy / Medication:
If you feel your anxiety worsening or getting too overwhelming, you should definitely seek therapy, talk to someone. Don’t sit silently on matters that affect your mental health negatively.
We let our thoughts dictate us, we believe the words it feeds us. But it isn’t the truth. Anxiety is a liar and you must differentiate between factual and rational thoughts to false and fear-mongering thoughts which causes anxiety.