3 Reasons To Trust The Timing In Your Life.

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trust the timing of your life. How to let go and start living.

To trust the timing in your life is to believe that everything in your life will happen according to plan. And by everything I mean your career, love life, or personal life. At times we want to rush the process when we see others doing better than us or have something that we always wanted, at times we tend to chase a lot of those desires like having more money, attaining a certain lifestyle, or chasing a person.

We feel we are losing time and it’s running out of our hands. You have to trust the timing in your life, as there is a time for everything.

Whatever you always wanted is waiting for you patiently, on the other side. All you have to do is trust that you will find it, at the right time.

1. Everyone has their own timing, trust your timing.

Ever since I was a kid I spent the majority of my time wishing to be anything but myself, to be as athletic as this girl in school or as smart as the kid I saw in the news, or to own a car just as the one my neighbor had or to have a perfect boyfriend as my friend did. And the more I found myself chasing these ‘things’ I realized I was getting even further away from them.

I slowly began to dislike myself. It took me a good amount of time and a hell amount of tears and runny snots to slowly realize that I have to trust the timing of my life. Some people begin their life at 20 while others at 40 or even 80. Some are successful at a young age while others take years to get to where they want to be in life.

2. There’s always a reason for everything.

They say comparison is a thief of joy, as it’s so apt. But the thing about comparison is that it blindsides you, and makes you irrational.

You tend to have a narrow perspective on things. There’s always that ‘someone’ who has everything in life, a perfect house, more money than god, crazy cars, and whatnot, you just wished you were in their shoes. But you have no idea how hard they might’ve worked to get to where they are, the sleepless nights, the endless cups of caffeine, and the never-ending stress. Or they just might have rich parents or won the lottery ticket.

The thing is you never know their background. And regardless of what it may be. It’s THEIR story. The more you live comparing yourself to them you are just a character in their story. That ‘someone’ who’s always in the shadows- observing and not living.

You need to realize it’s your time to step up and be the main character in YOUR life. When you trust the timing of your destination you have no rush, you’re at peace because you know you’ll get there.

The universe provides to those who ask, and more importantly to those who work for it.

You can’t sit around ‘wishing’ you had a huge house, your dream car, or money falling from the sky. You need to pray for it, put in the hours and work towards it. The more you complain the more time you lose.

3. Trust the timing in your life as everything is where it should be.

When you trust the timing in your life you realize everything is exactly where it should be. Everything in the past happened for a reason and your present will determine what will happen in your future. The people you met, and the lessons you learned were all a story in the making, Your story.

When you do that, you’re more at peace as you know that things will work out for you in their time.

"Realize that now, in this moment of time, you are creating. You are creating your next moment. That is what's real."

-Sara Paddison.

To those who have lost time due to trauma:

Okay, this is a special segment I wanted to dedicate to people who have gone through trauma, people whose years have been robbed due to it. Especially for people who have gone through childhood trauma, or have been in abusive relationships. It seems your years aren’t for you.

You can’t seem to trust the timing of your life because it’s taken away from you. You see people thriving and growing, people your age getting more opportunities, love, and happiness but you are stuck. And it seems like you can’t do anything about it. You grow faster emotionally compared to others but at the same time after the trauma, you feel you’re still re-living the past and can never seem to get out of it.

And once you’re out of that trauma you have the responsibility to heal, to get better, and to unlearn the damages. It might take years to decades for some people and it might seem like your life is falling apart like there’s no growth and it might be suffocating.

We do tend to compare ourselves at this stage and wished we were better off like others. But let me tell you that, now is your time. FOR YOU. You have spent years living under such terrible conditions, and have neglected yourself. But now this is your time to give yourself the love you never got. You have to trust the timing of your healing.

Invest in therapy or find the right people with whom you could share your pain.

But you must remember that this is YOUR time and you must invest it in yourself, write and share your emotions, meet new people, challenge yourself, and confront your fears. This is the time you GROW.

You’re a decision away.

You’re just a decision away from giving yourself a better life. And once you take that decision there’s no going back. Of course, you can’t just snap your fingers and get the life you always wanted, it may take years to decades to get there. You might even feel that things aren’t working in your favor. But you must trust the timing.

Live your present abundantly, and cherish what you have. You’re just wasting your present by thinking too much about your future or something that you don’t have. Work on the ‘now’ to achieve it. And you’ll get there.