What is Manifestation? Attract what you want using these methods.

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The Science of Thought: How Manifestation Works

The Science of Thought: How Manifestation Works

What is manifestation? Manifestation is bringing your desires and intentions into reality through your thoughts, beliefs, and actions. It is aligning your thoughts and emotions with the frequency of what you want to create so that it can tangibly come into your life. It’s a habit that will go a long way!

I’m sure you’ve heard of this term a lot, some of you may believe it and some might find it BS and ineffective. But manifestation has scientific reasoning, there is evidence to suggest that our thoughts and emotions have a tangible impact on our lives and that focusing on positive outcomes can help attract positive energy and experiences.

Are Manifestation and Wishful thinking the same?

Manifestation and wishful thinking are not the same. Manifestation is a deliberate process of creating your desired outcomes by aligning your thoughts, beliefs, and emotions with the frequency of what you want to attract into your life. And this can happen through various methods. (You will read more about them further.)

While wishful thinking is a more passive approach where you hope for or daydream about something without taking any deliberate action to make it happen, it is a form of idle imagining, without any real intention or effort behind it.

While both manifestation and wishful thinking involve focusing on positive outcomes, manifestation is a more active and intentional process that requires taking deliberate action and changing your thoughts and beliefs to create the reality you desire. Wishful thinking, on the other hand, is more passive and may not necessarily lead to concrete results.

It’s like dreaming every day that you are going to be a millionaire one day but you spend the entire day watching cat videos and eating burgers. While on the other hand, you do visualize being a millionaire and at the same time set up a blueprint on how to get there and make actionable steps. Two big differences.

what you think you become. what you feel you attract. what you imagine you create.- Buddha

The Law of Attraction: How Like Attracts Like

The Law of Attraction and manifestation are closely related concepts. The Law of Attraction states that like attracts like, meaning that our thoughts and emotions have a vibrational frequency that can attract similar energies into our lives.

Manifestation is the deliberate process of aligning our thoughts and emotions with the frequency of what we want to create in our lives so that we can attract them into physical reality.

Imagine 2 scenarios:

1st Scenario: As soon as you wake up, you instinctively reach for your phone and begin checking your messages and the latest news updates on ongoing wars and crimes. After going through your pile of emails, you carry on with your daily routine while dwelling on your worries, past experiences, and current problems. As the day progresses, the weight of these thoughts becomes heavier and you retire to bed feeling burdened.

2nd scenario-

Upon waking up, you take a moment to ground yourself and focus on your breath. You take some time to reflect on your intentions for the day ahead, reminding yourself of your goals and aspirations. You choose to start your day with gratitude and positivity, setting a tone for a productive and fulfilling day.

Throughout the day, you make a conscious effort to stay present and focus on the task at hand, taking breaks to clear your mind and re-centre yourself. You acknowledge any worries or problems that come up, but instead of ruminating on them, you choose to address them proactively and constructively.

As the day comes to an end, you reflect on your accomplishments and lessons learned, feeling proud of yourself for taking steps towards your goals. You practice gratitude once more before bed, letting go of any negative emotions and thoughts from the day. You drift off to sleep feeling light and at peace.

According to the Law of Attraction, our thoughts and emotions have a vibrational frequency that can attract similar energies into our lives. Quantum physics suggests that this is possible because everything in the universe is made up of energy and is interconnected. Therefore, when we focus our thoughts and emotions on a desired outcome, we are sending out a specific frequency that can attract that outcome into our physical reality.

Additionally, quantum physics suggests that our thoughts and emotions can influence the behaviour of subatomic particles, which are the building blocks of our physical reality. This means that our consciousness and intention can have a direct impact on the physical world around us.

what the mind of man can conceive and believe, the mind of man can achieve- napoleon hill

Neuroplasticity and Manifestation:

When it comes to manifestation, the principles of neuroplasticity suggest that our thoughts and emotions can influence the neural connections in our brain, and ultimately shape our reality. For example, if we consistently focus our thoughts and emotions on negative outcomes, we may strengthen neural pathways associated with negative emotions and behaviours, which can lead to a more negative reality. On the other hand, if we focus our attention and intention on positive outcomes, we may strengthen neural pathways associated with positive emotions and behaviours, which can lead to a more positive reality.

Furthermore, the brain’s reticular activating system (RAS) plays a role in manifestation as well. The RAS is responsible for filtering out unnecessary information and focusing on what is important to us. When we consistently focus our thoughts and emotions on a specific desire, we activate the RAS to search for opportunities and experiences that align with our desired outcome.

Techniques for Manifestation

Visualization: Creating a Clear Mental Picture of Your Goals:

Visualization is a technique that taps into the power of your mind to create a clear mental image of your desired outcome. By vividly imagining yourself achieving your goal, you activate the brain’s neural pathways associated with that outcome. This helps to reinforce positive thoughts and emotions, making it more likely that you will attract the opportunities and resources needed to achieve your goal.

Visualization can be used in a variety of settings, from sports and academics to personal and professional development. It is a useful tool for setting intentions and creating a roadmap for success. There are different methods of visualization, including guided meditation, visualization exercises, and visualization through affirmations.

Research has shown that visualization can have a significant impact on our mental and physical well-being.

Affirmations: Using Positive Statements to Attract What You Want:

Affirmations are positive statements that can be used to help you attract what you want in life. The process involves repeating a statement or set of statements that reflect your desired outcome, to create a positive mindset and align your thoughts, emotions, and actions with your goal.

Affirmations are often used as part of a larger manifestation practice, as they can help to reprogram limiting beliefs and negative thought patterns. By consistently repeating positive affirmations, you can shift your focus towards what you want to achieve, rather than what you fear or lack.

There are various methods for using affirmations, including repeating them silently to yourself, writing them down, or saying them out loud. Affirmations can be used in any area of life, from relationships and careers to health and well-being.

Gratitude: Expressing Thankfulness for What You Have and What’s Coming:

Gratitude is a practice that involves being thankful for the things in your life. It can be as simple as appreciating a sunny day or being grateful for a good meal. Practising gratitude is a powerful way to cultivate a positive mindset and shift your focus away from negative thoughts and emotions.

When it comes to manifestation, gratitude is a crucial element because it helps to align your thoughts, emotions, and actions with your desired outcomes. By expressing gratitude for what you have and what you want, you create a positive and receptive mindset that allows you to attract more of what you desire.

There are many ways to practice gratitude, such as keeping a gratitude journal, expressing thanks to others, or simply taking a moment to reflect on the good things in your life.

All in all, you have the power to convert your thoughts into your reality. I have seen manifestation work for so many people and myself too. It might sound complicated but once you practise it, you will see the results pouring in! Don’t be afraid to aim high – simply request the universe to bring your desires into fruition through the power of manifestation. 🙂