Small Habits That Can Change Your Life For The Better.

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Small Habits That Can Change Your Life For The Better.

Have you ever been so frustrated at your habits or lifestyle that you felt you needed a huge change in your life! I mostly get such inspirations at 3 Am in the mornings, filled with adrenaline. But once I wake up the next morning, it’s the same ol’ Naomi!

And, again I get frustrated and beat myself up for it!

The cycle goes on. Until I realized that I’m aiming to complete big goals instead of completing one small goal at a time which constantly lead me to procrastinate.

I mean who decides to climb Mount Everest on the first go?

That’s the same with your habits. If you’re a night owl you can’t expect to wake up at 4 Am the next day! It’s unrealistic!

But there are these small habits which you can inculcate in your life which can really make a big impact on your life and even the quality of your life!

1. Organize Your Life According To Your Goals!

Making a To-Do is definitely not an out-of-the-box hack, a lot of us are aware of it, due to its effectiveness. Making a To-Do is important, so is organizing your life where you segregate priorities from non-priorities.

This is definitely very helpful if you have too much on your plate and can’t find the right balance.

What I do is, I made a simple sheet, mark my weekly goals and cut those goals down to daily goals which are realistic and achievable. And I even have a section for my monthly budget report as well as the habits I’m working on to develop.

I am not the best at being consistent but this definitely makes my life much easier.

Also if you have a lot of tasks and you often forget things (Like me). You can keep the ‘To Do’s’ app from google handy, where you can list each and every task you have coming up.

Okay, last but not least ‘ Google calendar‘ has recently been a lifesaver for me as it has made my life very organized! I plan my entire schedule on it and I definitely think you should too!

2. ‘Me Time’

Even if it’s binge-watching your favourite series or reading your favourite book, your me-time is precious and it can be anything that makes you feel happy and complete, no one should stop you from spending time with yourself!

It’s an amazing act of self-care and can do wonders in your life.

So, here’s a reminder to make a habit of spending a day or even half a day, or even an hour! Just with yourself!

3. Exercise

You need to keep your mind and body active for a reason, exercising or any form of physical movement can really improve your life in a major way! It releases important chemicals like serotonin and oxytocin. If you’re struggling with depression or anxiety you definitely should take time to get your body moving.

It’s helped me, and I’m sure it will help you as well. This habit can reap rewards for your well-being.

4. Educate Yourself

There’s no limit to learning, you can get to learn something new every day. Expanding your knowledge and getting wiser each day is a choice you make for your betterment. The habit of constantly learning and evolving definitely pays off in the future.

You can educate yourself in small and impactful ways, from learning a new vocabulary each day to learning a new skill or a new language. It can do wonders, from better self-esteem to being more knowledgeable, the list is endless.

5. Start Investing/ Saving

Whether you want to start investing long term or start savings, the decision is up to you. Even 10-20% of your earnings would build up to a good number if you’re making a consistent habit out of this.

But say, after 10 years the wealth you might have accumulated would help you in times of need in the future and you would be thankful to yourself for making this decision.

6. Journal

Quite often, we don’t get to vent out and share our emotions, whether it’s because we don’t have anyone to share something personal with or maybe by choice, but journaling is a habit that can help you take those emotions out which have been suppressed.

Journalling brings clarity to what we feel and can’t understand. Because what’s in our head doesn’t make sense 90% of the time, but putting those emotions down on a piece of paper or even on your phone (Whatever you find convenient) helps shed light on the situation in a much better way, it’s also a beautiful document which can be used to reflect on in the future.

7. Give Back To Society

From volunteering to donating, helping a neighbour out, smiling at a stranger; there are various ways you can give back to society.

Not only do you feel much better but you make someone else’s day as well. You never know the change you bring by a simple act of giving!

8. Write A Letter To Your Loved Ones

It may sound super orthodox but imagine how amazing will your loved ones would feel if you wrote them a heartfelt letter of how much they mean to you? You could always send them a text or call them of course but I really like the idea of handwritten notes which can remind someone of you.

It could be anyone! Your best friend, to your grandparents, anyone who you love dearly.

Life is too short to not express how much someone means to you, don’t forget to tell your loved ones how much you value them.

9. Gratitude/ Affirmation

These two habits go a long way and can improve your quality of life for the better!

Making a habit of being thankful about your blessings and repeating positive affirmations brings in positive energy in your life and shuts the negative energy and negative thoughts. The more you affirm positive sentences, you start to believe them and you become more confident get to boost your self-esteem!

10. Declutter Your Life

Get rid of things that don’t belong in your life! It could be from pictures or files you no longer require, to people who aren’t good for you. Clean your space, from your wardrobe to your surroundings, having a clean environment does wonders to your mood and how you feel. You feel more productive and ready to get things done as well!

Make sure you completely detox your life from negativity and things that drain you and are a waste of space!

Your future self will thank you.